We encourage Wisconsin speakers to peruse our site here at WisOwners.com and to view the meeting ratings and reviews at http://meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/
We’ve been more than lucky, with great speakers month in and month out.
Many of our presenters, perhaps half or more, have written books on their subject matter expertise.
Wisconsin Speaker Tom Fuszard in a 2014 Presentation
Wisconsin Speakers Wanted
We’ll be adding a list of past Wisconsin Speakers on this page, and a form for your completion if you’d like to present to our group.
We encourage you to attend a “Lunch & Learn” ( register at http://meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/) to get a feel for the room and the audience. We tend to favor speakers from among our group (and there have been MANY extra-fine speakers who are expert in their field). Perhaps you’ll enjoy the group yourself.
We buy lunch for the speaker and devote considerable promotional efforts to your presentation. We also post a video of your presentation in five locations on the web.