Learn how the new tax laws impact Your Business
by Alice Zaganczyk Peterson, CPA
WisOwners Lunch & Learn on new tax laws. Join us! RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/265155447/
Alice is going us again for an update of how the new tax laws have actually impacted business and will be sharing best practices – new and old. When she presented for us, approximately 2 years ago, she captivated and educated everyone. You’ll want to register now to reserve your seat. (More details from Alice will be appearing here soon.)
Alice Zaganczyk Peterson, CPA
Alice Zaganczyk Peterson is a Certified Public Accountant with over 20 years of tax preparation and working with small businesses. Her constant commitment to tax preparation runs deep – Alice holds a Masters Degree in Tax Administration. Additionally, she has experience with audits – IRS, State of Wisconsin Income, Unemployment and Sales Tax.
New Tax Laws
Alice understands most business is conducted as Small Business in America. She wants to make sure Small Business Owners understand what is essential for their financial success. Whether it’s learning how to set-up your books or complex issues and audits, Alice’s thorough and down to earth approach for your business’s financials are assuring. She’s a great resource for keeping up on new tax laws!
Contact Information:
Alice Zaganczyk Peterson, MS
Certified Public Accountant
AM Accounting & Tax Services, LLC
1123 N Water St Suite 305
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: 414-231-9138
Website: http://www.amaccountingonline.com/
Come Join Us! *** WisOwners Lunch & Learn: RSVP Now at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/265155447/
Click on the “I’m going box” to register now.
You’ll reserve your seat to network with other authentic relationship builders. Bring plenty of business cards and brochures to share!
*** ITINERARY Friday, October 25, 2019 ***
RSVP for our Special Morning Session, too! Generational Shift – What Does it Mean to Your Business?
RSVP separately at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/265157113/
11:00 MEET & GREET
Registration & Open Networking for Lunch & Learn begins
12:00 (Noon) – All-You-Can-Eat Buffet & Salad Bar!
Network with great Business Owners and build strong
relationships at your table while Lunching.
12:25 to 12:31 – Break (Get seconds, etc.)
12:32 – Keith’s Minute
12:34 – Speaker Introduction
12:35 – Speaker Presentation: Alice Zaganczyk Peterson
1:15 – Prize Drawings
1:20 – End… or stick around to build relationships!
Thanks to our Organizers & Sponsors:
Tamara Burkett https://www.wisowners.com/members/tamara-burkett-selassie-enterprise/
Ron Chandler https://www.wisowners.com/members/ron-chandler-summit-investment-management-ltd/
Maggie Mongan https://www.wisowners.com/members/maggie-mongan-brilliant-breakthroughs-inc/
Mark Mullarky https://www.wisowners.com/members/mark-mullarky-mullarky-business-systems/
Mike Raber https://www.wisowners.com/members/mike-raber-micro-business-corporation/
Jamie Shibley https://www.wisowners.com/members/jamie-shibley-the-expressory/
Dave Walter https://www.wisowners.com/members/dave-walter-tite-spot-welders-inc/
Gail Yaeger https://www.DoveCelebration.com
Ben Houle https://www.ButchersCatering.com
Jennifer at https://www.MainStreetFraming.com
Gerard I. “Jerry” Schritz at https://www.Intelegist.com
Your attendance means you accept being shown on tape.
WisOwners Lunch & Learn: RSVP Now at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/265155447/ Come join us!
RSVP for our Special Morning Session, too! Generational Shift – What Does it Mean to Your Business?
RSVP separately at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/265157113/
Keith Klein https://www.wisowners.com/members/keith-klein-onyourmark-llc/
Owner, OnYourMark, LLC
Author, WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence
Phone: 262-853-7900