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Direct Mail Marketing & Overnight Success – It’s just a Math Problem

Posted in: Coming Events, Lunch and Learn, Marketing
Posted on: March 22, 2016

By Keith Klein

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This Friday: Direct Mail Marketing & Overnight Success – It’s just a Math Problem

An excellent adventure awaits you!
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This post for our Lunch & Learn this Friday!
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Direct Mail Marketing & Overnight Success –
It’s just a Math Problem

by Pat Pendergast

Have you successfully used Direct Mail Marketing in the past?

Do you ever think of how ROI can be a very powerful selling and marketing tool?

Are you familiar with Malcolm Gladwell’s “10,000 Hour Rule of Deliberate Practice”?

Pat is going to help us understand how to do small business Direct Mail Marketing. It isn’t necessarily what we might think…

During our time together we will review experiences of others, which can help you relate to your success and the struggles you may be going through in your business and life. In working through the math, Pat will share how to improve your success rate in marketing, networking, and making money.

We will review a case study of a specific marketing program which Pat’s currently running and go through the math of why it has become profitable. Additionally, we will explore how to take your current marketing process/system and run the math to see if it can successful. The type of Direct Mail Marketing program Pat suggests requires a high ROI for both you and your customers. This can be a major stumbling block for most business owners. In regards of the “10,000 Hour Rule”, how can you apply it to your business? We will also talk about “Market Stamina” and how it applies to your business.

We will also address “The Rule of Diminishing Intent” by Jim Rohn

Many of us have gone to a presentation or a weekend seminar, and taken pages and pages of notes. We have all the intentions of going to work on Monday or the next day, to implement great ideas which will get you to the next level. But what happens?

We run head long into life/work/staff and the problems we left to attend the seminar. Jim Rohn put it wisely, every day we let pass and intend to start or implement a new idea, but put it off, the law of diminishing intent comes into play. Before you know it, months have gone by and you lost all of your enthusiasm to implement. You find you’re still in the same place you were when you attended the presentation. I don’t want this to happen to you. Don’t let another opportunity pass you by to break out of the law of diminishing intent. We can work together to reach your business and life goals.

BONUS: Pat is going to share a highly effective converting approach – “The Shock and Awe Package” which Pat is the Founder.

Meet our Expert: Pat Pendergast

Picture of Pat Pendergast, Presenter of Direct Mail Marketing & Overnight Success - It's just a Math Problem
Direct Mail Marketing & Overnight Success – It’s just a Math Problem – Presented by Pat Pendergast

The printing, mailing, and marketing world has treated me very well over the years. It has allowed me to meet many great people who have shared their business and life experiences. This has helped me be more of a compassionate person and also made me realize I can share my “business and marketing secrets” with you and not have a fear of someone taking this advice and becoming a competitor. The world is a big place and over the past 28 years, I have found it to also be a very small universe with a place to share my experiences.

Directly Contact Pat Pendergast:
Email: pat(at)MillPM.com
Website: PatPendergast.com

Direct Dial: 414-333-6681

***LUNCH & LEARN ITINERARY March 25, 2016***

This is the start of the Lunch & Learn…
early arrival allows more open-networking time.
We encourage you to meet many during this time.

12:00 (Noon) – All-You-Can-Eat Buffet, including Salad Bar!
Network with great Business Owners and build strong
relationship at your table while Lunching.

12:40 Learning Presentation
12:40 – Speaker Introduction: Pat Pendergast
12:45 – Speaker Presentation
1:30 – End… or stick around to build relationships!

Your attendance at Wisconsin Business Owners means you may be shown on tape…and you’re okay with that! Please contact Keith with suggestions or questions.

Join us – RSVP now!


Mark Mullarky of Mullarky Business Systems! From 1-50 PCs,  Mark is your man for Computers and Computer Networks.  Learn more at http://www.MBSWI.com

Maggie Mongan of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Rocks!
Check out over 700 blog posts to simplify your business’s
profitability at http://www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com

Greg Adlington of Next Gen Commercial Capital, LLC

Ron Chandler of Summit Investment Management, Ltd.

Lucas J. Robak of Skillset Life Coaching, LLC

George Schroeder, 3rd Generation Custom Home Builders

Karin Conway of KMC Marketing, LLC

Have www.StacyKaat.com do your portrait,
and have www.MainStreetFraming.com frame it!

—-Thank you to our sponsors!—-


You can always get in touch with Maggie & me through the
“Contact Organizer” link on Meetup:

Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Owner, OnYourMark, LLC
Google Phone: 262-820-8201

p.s.: Link up with us on LinkedIn ~

Our focus moving forward is to extend the value of the enhanced relationships engendered in our Wisconsin Business Owners Group, in person and online. Extend the value of your deepening relationships at our LinkedIn Wisconsin Business Owners Group.

Find and follow (and re-tweet) us @WisOwners at Twitter!

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Photo of Keith Klein, Wisconsin Business Owners
Keith Klein

Founder, Owner, <a target="_blank" href="https://www.onyourmark.com/" rel="noopener">OnYourMark, LLC</a> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.wisowners.com/members/keith-klein-onyourmark-llc/" rel="noopener">Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners</a> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.mainstreetoil.com/" rel="noopener">AMSOIL Dealer, Main Street Oil</a> Author of <a target="_blank" href="https://www.webforging.com/" rel="noopener">WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence</a>

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