November 13, 2019 is the release day of Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner, Volume 3
Did you know this is the 3rd Volume in a #1 Bestselling Business Book Series? This is how you get your copy:
Sale starts at 2:01 am CST. Volume 3 is the one with the Ruby Red Cover.
Go to:Â
Get the Volume 3 eBook at Amazon for only 99 cents today, release day only. That’s an 87.5 % discount! Regular eBook pricing after release day is $7.95.
Many of your Wisconsin Business Owners Organizers and fellow Members are Authors of Volumes 1, 2, and 3!  Many of the Authors have been outstanding Presenters at our Lunch & Learns and Special Morning Workshops.
If you want a Brilliant 2020 Business Year – get your copy today to improve your business’s success rate with these practical strategies and techniques on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Peace.
Appreciatively, Author Team of “Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner: Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Business”
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